Sunday, December 28, 2008

Day One? So much fun.

Well this whole day has really been a blast. Me, my ma, and pa left Springfield for St. Louis at about 4:30 this morning. Got to the airport and were welcomed by the biggest crowd I have ever seen there. Waited in lots of looooong lines and finally got onto my first plane about 10 minutes before departure. Awesome start. My first flight was planned to stop in Raleigh, NC but right as we got there we couldn't land because the fog was too thick to see anything. All that I could see out of my window was pure white. So we detoured over to Richmond, VA for a little refueling and waiting for the skies to clear a bit. Made it to Raleigh about an hour late, only to find out that I had missed my flight to JFK. And because I missed my flight to JFK, I also missed my flight to Delhi. So I spent a bit of time in Raleigh trying to figure out a new flight and finally got one planning to depart at 4:15pm. So of course it didn't leave until 6:30ish which got me to JFK around 8pm. Next step was getting a new flight to Delhi. After a 45+ minute search for the Air India counter, I found it, and it was closed and I was told come back tomorrow.

So now I'm sitting in a Marriott, in Jamaica, New York, unable to hear out of my right ear due to too much airplane, ridiculously worn out but wanting to explore, and waiting for crappy overpriced Italian delivery food. Fabulous. It hasn't all been bad though- I met some cool people, got free bloody mary's on the airplane, and now have a nice big comfy bed to sleep in tonight, which is feeling much better than all of the airplane seats I tried to sleep in today... although I think I was drooling on one of my neighbor's shoulders at one point, so maybe it wasn't such a bad sleeping arrangement after all.

I am so looking forward to tomorrow when I can (hopefully) hop on a plane and wake up in India 14 or so hours later. Even though it has been such a long, crazy day, it's definitely been a learning experience, which I'm sure is just the first of many many more to come.