Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Airplanes and Taj Mahal

I have a little time, so I'm going to backtrack a little about my journey here.
After the night of being stuck in New York, things still did not quite go as planned. I was supposed to get on a flight the next day at 4pm, but was told that it was booked and couldn't. 5 minutes before it took off I found out there were 2 open seats, but they wouldn't let me on because they were leaving soon. So I caught a flight to London around 9pm. Through security at JFK, I also got randomly selected to be super-searched. So I got to be patted down, bags intensely searched and swiped for drugs, lots of fun. The flight to London was pretty painless. After a small layover in London I was on a plane, on my way to Delhi, finally. I was watching my little map on the TV screen on the back of the seat in front of me. I watched the plane pass Delhi so I figured we were just circling around to get a better landing position or something. But we just kept flying farther and farther away. I soon found out that we couldn't land in Delhi because there was too much fog and that we were on our way to Mumbai (Bombay) instead. Great. Arrived at the Mumbai airport and waited in line after line after line. The airport was packed with angry and confused people, and smelled of Nag Champa incense. We were put up in a hotel for a day to spend sitting and waiting. Finally around 6pm or so we got transported back to the Mumbai airport, waited hours in line and then finally flew to Delhi. Finally. And that time I actually made it to my destination.

So a little recap on flights: I was supposed to fly St. Louis-JFK-Delhi. Instead I flew St. Louis-Richmond, VA-Raleigh, NC-JFK-London-Mumbai-Delhi.

I was picked up in Delhi around 1am, and then rode for 4 and 1/2 hours to Agra to meet up with the other students studying abroad in my group. I went to bed around 6am and had to wake up at 7am to see the Taj Mahal. The group had gone the day before so I had to go really early tha morning in order to see it before we got on the road again. The Taj Mahal is indescribable. It is just so incredibly beautiful. If you ever just have one day to travel to just one place, go to the Taj Mahal. To get to and from the TM, i rode in a little autorickshaw. We passed by stray dogs, monkeys, camels, and cows, among many other things. What I was surprised most about is where the Taj is located. From all of the pictures I have always seen I would never have imagined the Taj Mahal to be located in one of the poorest, slummiest little villages I have ever seen. You're driving down the dirt road, trash surrounding you, stray animals running around, extremely impoverished people living on the streets and begging for money, and then you turn the corner, go through a few gates, and see one of the prettiest structures in the world. I was just in awe.

Still no WiFi so it's hard for me to use my computer. Will post pictures and continue my story soon. Hope all is well with everyone back home!!


  1. Wow! Pictures are amazing so far! Be sure to post more asap! Sorry your trip there turned out to be quite an adventure on its own. I'm glad you were wrong about the plane crashing!!! :) And I'm glad you're not getting married... yet...

    Got a little snow here today. Getting all packed up for Ohio. Yowza.

    Love you lots!

  2. Hi Hope,

    The pictures really are amazing, but then India is amazing. Your description of the poverty of the village around Taj Mahal is eye opening. I was in Delhi on a Friday when the Taj Mahal is closed (as it is still considered a Muslim Mosque, right?).

    One of my astounding memories of India was in Bangalore where only a few hundred yards from the big software houses including IBM and others, men and women were building a road with picks and shovels and carrying rocks and dirt in pans on their heads.

    Have a great time !

